Information you never know about fast weight loss

The status of overweight and obesity among adults is now increasing and is becoming one of the most serious problems for health programs in all countries. In the United States, approximately 25% of the population is overweight and obese.




Because of the psychological desire to get in shape, many people turned to drugs and methods of quick weight loss, not understanding the mechanism of action. Meanwhile, the mechanism of action is a very important criterion for assessing the effectiveness and safety of a drug.


The fast weight loss drug is currently divided into the following groups:

A group of drugs for fast weight loss that cause dehydration (diuretics, laxatives).


It is a quick way to lose weight by reducing the total amount of water (which accounts for 60-70% of your body weight) when you urinate. Water makes up 70% of your body weight, so dehydration will lead to rapid weight loss.


However, according to the weight loss specialist, this way he quickly lost weight, causing thirst, dry neck, fatigue, dizziness, headache and exhaustion. Bad skin, dryness, flabbiness due to too quick recovery, the skin has not yet recovered.


Dehydration leads to electrolyte disturbances that affect the secretory system, reducing kidney function, toxins cannot be excreted, reducing intestinal motility, easily causing uncontrolled urination.


Too much water loss will disrupt blood vessels, which will affect blood pressure, heart, and nerves. If the body loses 20% of its total water, there is a risk of death.


Fast weight loss group by suppressing the central nervous system


These drugs cause a dull taste in patients with anorexia, so they do not need nutrients, so they lose weight after a few days when they eat less than usual.


According to the weight loss expert, this fast weight loss drug stimulates sympathetic stimulation, causes stomach upset ... which is why users often experience side effects such as dry mouth, headache, insomnia, high blood pressure. , palpitations, constipation or diarrhea, decreased absorption of fat-soluble vitamins ...

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